A Course in Miracles and Relationships
Enjoy the following excerpt taken from a transcribed talk by A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister. You might say that relationships are designed so that specialness, as described in A Course in Miracles , will come up into awareness and then you have another opportunity to make another choice. You have an opportunity to deal with it when it comes up. But you can’t really avoid it. Um, it has been pushed out of awareness already so it has been avoided already. So if you trying to avoid what you have already avoided, you know that’s not going to help…anything. So we’re all about encouraging it actually, encouraging it to come up and with the mind training you start to notice it more. You know you can notice it. And then as you are noticing it, there usually is a sense of ‘Oh golly…I can’t believe I am still so attracted to that. You know again it’s in my face. Again I see it, oh I thought I had seen the last of that. But here it is again and again.’ No...