The Mind at Peace Is Healed #

The Mind at Peace Is Healed
You are created as pure divine love by God. Then you had this crazy thought, “Could there be more than everything?”
When prayer or desire becomes split, purity is lost. From that prayer all the rest spreads out. The belief becomes the ego and the thought becomes attack and the emotion becomes fear and the perception becomes the entire cosmos. It all springs from the desire for more than everything.
healing tool
When you are asleep in the dream, you believe in the specifics that you perceive. You react to what is happening to you based on the emotions you feel. You think that the cause of how you feel is at the level of perception. So this is where the journey back must start. You need to understand what is underneath the level of perception. There are levels or layers in the mind determining what you are experiencing in day to day life. The levels come from beliefs that have been conditioned and reinforced in the mind over time. All of the “surface issues,” which are form problems, were made to distract the mind from looking within at the beliefs. They also demonstrate how we come to perceive what we perceive and what is underneath our experiences in daily life.
 The ego never wants you to learn this.
 The ego wants you to think that cause is at the level of perception. The ego would have you think that the past causes the future. In truth, the cause is in the center and the effect is on the outside. Your desire influences your belief. And your beliefs control your thoughts. Your thoughts control your emotions and your emotions control your perceptions.


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